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Our Services
( * ) Indicates Base Price, with potential increase due to complications & liabilities involved.

Here we have some extra offerings, along with those awkward to discuss fees.

- Appointment Transportation                                                                              $50

This is for a few things. Let's say they need to be taken to a vet or grooming appointment and you either can not get them there yourself or you scheduled it while you're out of town. This can be a difficult task and can, in some instances, put your pet/our employee/their car at risk in some way.


- Key Copies                                                                                                               $15

Different types on keys have different costs, this makes sure we can cover ANY type of key your home may need... just in case. Along with the wage of sending someone to copy it.


- Lock Boxes                                                                                               $50 deposit

These can go on a gate, a garage knob, a doorknob, etc. You will receive your deposit back if you return the box when your file is closed out with us, if you switch to a coded entry... If you return it, you get your deposit back. If you don't, we need to be able to replace it.


- Last minute Booking                                                 $75 *added to billed services

These used to stress out our employees, which then lead to that stress being in your home. This fee has allowed us to ease that stress by compensating Employees for switching their lives around on a dime. Sometimes an employee may, depending on the situation, be willing to wave the fee.

Last minute Cancellation                                                           50% of assumed bill

These definitely stress out our employees, because they budget they're bills by the assumed jobs that have been booked. As much as we know your lives can change and we do understand that things happen, that's hours and thusly pay, that the employee now has to figure out elsewhere. Sometimes, an employee will allow the fee to be lowered, but that's entirely up to the employee and your reason for the last minute request. See Clientele Policies (sent when file is opened, can be requested).

- Late Payment Fee                                                                                                  $50

Late payments lead to late payroll, potential payroll liabilities with the state & us being late on other bills, which all threaten our ability to stay open.

Obligatory Explanation of Prices... Because we all want to know what we're paying for. We get it.

**THESE PRICES ARE CURRENT AS OF JANUARY 2023! Due to many changes locally and federally, our rates have changed and we will be re-evaluating all files currently open with us. That being said, our rates are based on the following:

- Labor time, Difficulty, Pet requirements (physical, emotional & mental requirements).
- Employee Output (physical, emotional & mental requirements of the job to properly manage all situations).

- Liabilities of the pets and property.
- Hourly wages & Fair Commissions.
- Payroll taxes & fees.
- Travel time (fuel & mileage reimbursements).
- Insurance.
- Supply prices & demand.
- There are other things that go into our prices, but these are the most important things. When you hire us, you do not hire a teenager trying to make some extra ice cream or movie money. You hire a company with bills and employees who have bills.  Please do take this into consideration before attempting to negotiate service rates.

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